The first book invites the reader to climb, with some pictures and poems, to the summit of an old round mountain.

Images and Syllables

Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Images and Syllables by Ormulyce

The enthusiasm of beginning a hike is renewing with insouciance. Nature is conducive to ideas and imagination. Words and landscapes seem to be playing together in harmony. When the top is still far and struggling, insurgence gets vibrant. The peak is reached and hands over to delight and satisfaction. It is time to go down and let go of the feelings of lightness. And when the legs begin to be tired, when the fatigue of the ramble is there, and the goal is still far, gloominess reigns. Oh, not too long. The joy and the inner peace will crown the little journey.

90 poems and 140 pictures - Format: Kindle Edition

Hermitage - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Hermitage - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Earth - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Earth - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Beyond Clouds - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Beyond Clouds - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Beyond Clouds - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Beyond Clouds - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Middle Ages - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Middle Ages - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Middle Ages - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce
Middle Ages - Images and Syllables by Ormulyce

Images and Syllables - 90 poems and 140 pictures - Format: Kindle Edition